The constituency is the Metn district. It has eight seats: four Maronite, two Greek Orthodox, one Greek Catholic and one Armenian Orthodox. It is a stronghold of the Aounists, Sami Gemayel's Kataeb, Tachnag and former MP Michel Murr, who died last year. But the Lebanese Forces also have a strong presence there, even if in this region, which is rather atypical in this respect, their influence is less pronounced than that of their Kataeb rivals.
The latter, who have had two seats in this constituency since 2018, are preparing an alliance with some of the civil protest movements this year, in a joint list. The chances of this list to reach three electoral thresholds (and therefore three seats) are thus clearly strengthened, and this could be at the expense of the FPM and its allies.
Including Tachnag, the outgoing Aounist bloc has four seats. Will it be able to keep the same number of seats in the new Parliament that will result from the May 15 elections? The answer to this question depends on many factors: the Kataeb and the civil society groups, of course, the score of the LF, which this time has doubled the stakes by aiming for two seats instead of one, and on what the successor of Michel Murr will do.
Confessional Distribution of Voters
Confessional Distribution of Seats
4 seats · 50%
2 seats · 25%
1 seat · 12.5%
1 seat · 12.5%
8 seats in the district
Political distribution of seats in the outgoing parliament
Free Patriotic Movement
3 seats · 37.5%
2 seats · 25%
1 seat · 12.5%
Lebanese Forces and allies
1 seat · 12.5%
Tachnag/Aounist group
1 seat · 12.5%
The Lists
We Were and Will Remain for Metn
Supported by Free Patriotic Movement
Edgar Maalouf
Greek Catholic Free Patriotic Movement -
Elias Bou Saab
Greek Orthodox Free Patriotic Movement -
Ibrahim Kanaan
Maronite Free Patriotic Movement -
Nasri Bek Nasri Lahoud
Maronite Linked to March 8 -
Ricardo Malakian
Armenian Orthodox N/A
Towards a State
Supported by Citizens in a State (MMFD)
Shaden Maalouf
Greek Orthodox Opposition Groups -
Jad Ghosn
Maronite Opposition Groups -
Lucien Gerges Bou Rjeili
Greek Catholic N/A -
Miriam Jaber
Maronite N/A -
Verena Rashad Amel
Maronite N/A
Metn the Change
Supported by the Kataeb
Elias Hankach
Maronite Kataeb -
Gregor Joseph Mardikian
Armenian Orthodox N/A -
Mona Sukkar
Maronite N/A -
Rima Fouad Noujaim
Greek Catholic N/A -
Samir Michel Saliba
Greek Orthodox N/A -
Samy Gemayel
Maronite Kataeb -
Simon Bou Fadel
Maronite N/A
The Free Metn
Supported by Lebanese Forces
Ara Rafi Bardakjian
Armenian Orthodox N/A -
Farid Zeinoun
Maronite N/A -
Hani Saliba
Greek Orthodox Independents -
Melhem Riachi
Greek Catholic Lebanese Forces and allies -
Rachid Khalil Abou Jawde
Maronite Linked to March 14 -
Razi al-Hajj
Maronite Independents -
Salim Ibrahim Jalkh
Maronite N/A
Together We are Stronger
Supported by Michel Murr and Tachnag
Antoine Khalil
Maronite Syrian Social Nationalist Party -
Hagop Ohannes Hagob Pakradounian
Armenian Orthodox Tashnag -
Joyce Edmond Jamal
Greek Orthodox N/A -
Lea Michel Bou Shaya
Greek Catholic N/A -
Maroun Pharaoun Abou Diwan
Maronite N/A -
Maroun George Rizkallah
Maronite N/A -
Michel Murr
Greek Orthodox Independents -
Randa Abdallah Abboud
Maronite N/A
Sovereigntists of the Metn
Supported by Alfred Riachi, pro-federalist figure
Alfred Emile Riachi
Greek Catholic Others -
Shadi Joseph Bechara
Greek Orthodox N/A -
Shant Harand Sarafian
Armenian Orthodox N/A -
Paul Nakouzi
Maronite N/A -
Romanos Raad
Maronite Independents -
Wael Richard Saqr
Maronite N/A