
Contact us

Société Générale de Presse
et d'Édition SAL

Route de Damas, montée Fiyaddiyé,
200m après station Total.
B.P. 45-254 Beyrouth
T. 05/956444
Fax. 05/957444

If you have questions, have identified an error or information that you consider to be false, or noticed a potential breach of journalism principles in our content, please contact the editorial board or the responsible department using the email addresses below.
Contact the editorial board

If you wish to contact the shareholders or the Board of Directors of L'Orient Today, please send an email to the following address:


Digital subscription: Tel. 05/956444

Customer Service: Tel. 71/175166

Editorial board:

Who we are

Chairperson and CEO: Nayla de FREIGE

Executive Director:

Responsible Director:



Human resources:

Head of L’Orient Today:

Deputy in charge of translations: Tasnim Chaaban

Deputy in charge of outreach: Amelia Hankins

Translators: Sahar Ghoussoub, Joelle Khouri

Copy editors: Nicholas Frakes, Yara Malka, Marguerita Sejaan, Lea Moukadam