

Cordon Courtine: Couqley, a reliable haven of French bistro classics in Beirut

What I liked and disliked … This week, I share with you my experience at Couqley – where the good food comes at a price.

Cordon Courtine: Couqley, a reliable haven of French bistro classics in Beirut

Façade of Couqley restaurant in Beirut (Photo: Cordon Courtine/L'Orient Today, June 2024)

Couqley has established itself over the years as one of Beirut’s few true French Bistros, a charming place that consistently delivers quality food. While the service has not always been reliable, the overall experience has been maintained at a high...
Couqley has established itself over the years as one of Beirut’s few true French Bistros, a charming place that consistently delivers quality food. While the service has not always been reliable, the overall experience has been maintained at a high...