

Do Syrians really commit the most crimes in Lebanon?

Some two million Syrian refugees currently live in Lebanon, the country with the world’s highest number of refugees per capita. Many came here to seek safety from the brutal violence of the civil war that has lasted more than a decade. In the last year, anti-Syrian sentiment has been growing in Lebanon and the caretaker interior minister claimed that over 30 percent of the prison population is Syrian.

L’Orient Today’s Wael Taleb takes a closer look at these numbers.

This video is part of a series in partnership with the Samir Kassir Foundation (Skeyes).

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Is there really a 'surge' in Syrians coming to Lebanon?

Some two million Syrian refugees currently live in Lebanon, the country with the world’s highest number of refugees per capita. Many came here to seek safety from the brutal violence of the civil war that has lasted more than a decade. In the last year, anti-Syrian sentiment has been growing in Lebanon and the caretaker interior minister claimed that over 30 percent of the prison population is...