

Plestia Alaqad: from Gaza to Beirut

Plestia Alaqad, the Palestinian journalist who reported live from Gaza for two months after the events of Oct. 7, spoke to L'Orient Le Jour about her childhood, career, and home-city. 

For her first first interview with Lebanese media after moving to Lebanon to pursue a Master's degree at the American University of Beirut, Plestia shared what it was like to witness the Israeli hostilities on Gaza at the beginning of the Gaza war, as well as the day-to-day challenges of living under Israeli occupation and blockade. 

The young journalist talked about her love of the sea in Gaza, and the nature of it's people . « We always knew that we deserve to live a normal life, not a normalized life, »  she said. 

Plestia Alaqad, the Palestinian journalist who reported live from Gaza for two months after the events of Oct. 7, spoke to L'Orient Le Jour about her childhood, career, and home-city. For her first first interview with Lebanese media after moving to Lebanon to pursue a Master's degree at the American University of Beirut, Plestia shared what it was like to witness the Israeli hostilities on...