

University La Sagesse: A decisive step towards university inclusion

ULS aims to provide all students with disabilities a conducive and adapted learning environment, allowing them to pursue their studies within the university's eight departments.

University La Sagesse: A decisive step towards university inclusion

Professor Joe Rahal, director of the new Department of Inclusion.

"Each student with specific needs has the right to education just like everyone else," stated Professor Georges Nehmeh, the rector of University La Sagesse (ULS), during the inauguration of the new inclusion department at ULS on Dec. 3, on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, established in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly.

"Higher education institutions have an undeniable responsibility, not only in terms of accessibility but also to ensure that people with disabilities fully enjoy their human rights and exercise them within society," he added. Emphasizing that this inclusive university policy is a long-term project requiring a lot of reflection and preparation, Professor Joe Rahal, director of the new inclusion department, noted that "this department certainly addresses students with specific needs, but also all teaching and administrative staff as well as their families, who need help or special attention."

Professor Georges Nehmé, President of La Sagesse University (ULS). Photo ULS

Creating an adapted and supportive learning environment

Initially, ULS is redesigning its space to allow access for students with reduced mobility (ramps, wheelchairs, etc.).

"Subsequently, depending on the type of each presented disability – hyperactivity, learning disorders, motor disabilities, blindness, attention deficit disorders, etc. – professors will ensure to consider the specific difficulties of each student and will adopt the necessary measures to support them in their studies," explained Rahal.

This includes "adjusting teaching conditions, modifying courses, organizing exams, granting extra time for students with concentration or comprehension difficulties, as well as providing educational human aids."

"We also plan to launch, later on, awareness workshops aimed at both the teaching and administrative teams and the students to raise their awareness about the cause of people with disabilities, their right to education, just like everyone else, and especially their importance as assets to society," he added.

"Today, no obstacle should prevent a student from pursuing their studies," said the president of ULS during the inauguration, while offering a wheelchair to Fawzi Eliya, a student enrolled in management and marketing at the university.

"My dream was to pursue studies at the university, work like everyone else, and prove myself in society," the young man stated. "Unfortunately, I couldn't because of my disability. Today, thanks to ULS, one of the rare universities that has taken these obstacles into account and has created a space that allows us to move easily, I can finally realize my dream."

"Even if we cannot walk, we are no different from others. We think, have dreams and ambitions like all other young people our age. Unfortunately, this was often denied to us," he said.

"Each student with specific needs has the right to education just like everyone else," stated Professor Georges Nehmeh, the rector of University La Sagesse (ULS), during the inauguration of the new inclusion department at ULS on Dec. 3, on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, established in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly. "Higher...