

Charles Helou: Lebanon and the Palestinian armed struggle

As Joseph Aoun's name circulates as a possible presidential candidate, L'Orient Today looks back at President Charles Helou’s mandate, which started out as a continuation of Fouad Chehab’s political movement but ended up facing the armed action of Palestinian fedayeen — events that would later blow up the Lebanese consensus.

Charles Helou: Lebanon and the Palestinian armed struggle

Former President Charles Helou attends a ceremony in Beirut. (Credit: L'Orient-Le Jour archives)

The Lebanese divide widened as the Palestinian refugee camps became increasingly armed. Armed Palestinian groups were roaming freely in some parts of the country. Attacks on Israeli-controlled territory from Lebanon multiplied, and Palestinian ...
The Lebanese divide widened as the Palestinian refugee camps became increasingly armed. Armed Palestinian groups were roaming freely in some parts of the country. Attacks on Israeli-controlled territory from Lebanon multiplied, and Palestinian ...