Arrival of the US Marines Sept. 29, 1982, in front of the MEA planes grounded on the tarmac since June 7. (Credit: L'Orient-Le Jour Archives)
To understand what 1982 is about, we must revisit the different memories it held. If 1982 is a message, it is not the same for everyone. The readings of the events that took place during that year’s summer varied from Sassine Street to the refugee camps, from the barricaded embassies to the religious seminaries frequented by Shiite youth.
OLJ / By Mohamad El Chamaa, 15 September 2022 08:29
Arrival of the US Marines Sept. 29, 1982, in front of the MEA planes grounded on the tarmac since June 7. (Credit: L'Orient-Le Jour Archives)