

Akkar, portrait of a youth at loose ends

L'Orient-Le Jour met the young people of Akkar, an area in the north that has been abandoned because of its geographical location and decades of political neglect.

Akkar, portrait of a youth at loose ends

Nidal, 20 years old, from Tal Abbas al-Gharbi. He is one of the survivors of the gas tank explosion that occurred in Tleil on August 15, 2021. His family is in debt due to compounding expenses relating to his treatment. (Credit: Florient Zwein/OLJ)

—Nidal has the same nightmare every night: he sees himself getting burnt and that he wishes to die. The 20-year-old is a survivor of the fuel tank explosion in the Akkar village of Tleil on the night of Aug. 15, 2021.Located in Lebanon’s far north...
—Nidal has the same nightmare every night: he sees himself getting burnt and that he wishes to die. The 20-year-old is a survivor of the fuel tank explosion in the Akkar village of Tleil on the night of Aug. 15, 2021.Located in Lebanon’s far north...