

Was January particularly deadly in Lebanon? Official figures say otherwise

The rise in violence is however evident in the growing theft figures specifically.

Was January particularly deadly in Lebanon? Official figures say otherwise

Internal Security Forces officers in front of the Beirut Courthouse. (Credit: Illustrative photo by Hassan Ammar/AFP)

BEIRUT — A car dealer in Dbayeh on Jan. 14; a Beirut resident found dead in his home two days later after a botched robbery; a gas station owner in Metn discovered . Since Jan. 30, at least three more people have been killed or seriously injured in...
BEIRUT — A car dealer in Dbayeh on Jan. 14; a Beirut resident found dead in his home two days later after a botched robbery; a gas station owner in Metn discovered . Since Jan. 30, at least three more people have been killed or seriously injured in...