

Divorce, polygamy, inheritance: Morocco's family code on verge of revision

Divorce, polygamy, inheritance: Morocco's family code on verge of revision

At the call of a feminist collective, demonstrators are demanding a reform of the Moudawana and the Penal Code at the United Nations Square in Casablanca on June 25, 2023. (Credit: Milla Morisson/Hans Luca/AFP)

A widow expelled from her marital home after her husband’s death, removed by the deceased’s brothers who inherit everything in the absence of a male descendant. Another placed in a retirement home by her son, who wants to keep the family house for...
A widow expelled from her marital home after her husband’s death, removed by the deceased’s brothers who inherit everything in the absence of a male descendant. Another placed in a retirement home by her son, who wants to keep the family house for...