

Inside Sednaya: A nurse’s account of ‘the human slaughterhouse’

Torture tables, shattered bones, fragments of human flesh and families still searching for their missing loved ones — the horrific stories from the Sednaya prison.

Inside Sednaya: A nurse’s account of ‘the human slaughterhouse’

Cells now emptied of their occupants, at Sednaya prison in Syria. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient-Le Jour)

She weaves through the crowd — a tide of men, old and young, wounded and armed fighters — paying no attention to the chaos around her. She crosses the massive gate and plunges into the familiar depths of a place she can barely recognize.Hanin scans...
She weaves through the crowd — a tide of men, old and young, wounded and armed fighters — paying no attention to the chaos around her. She crosses the massive gate and plunges into the familiar depths of a place she can barely recognize.Hanin scans...