

Kings of the Arabs: When Amine Rihani dreamt of a United States of Arabia

This year marks the centenary of the release of Kings of the Arabs, the iconic work of Amine Rihani, a philosopher who hails from Freike and dreamt of an Arab world following the American federal example. 

Kings of the Arabs: When Amine Rihani dreamt of a United States of Arabia

Amine Rihani (left), with King Abdel-Aziz of Saudi Arabia in the early 1920s. (Photo Amine Rihani Organization)

In 1924, the Scientific Printing Press in Beirut published a political treatise in a travel journal, dubbed Muluk al-Arab (Arabic for Kings of the Arabs), which Amine Rihani wrote as he traveled throughout the Arabian Peninsula. This publishing...
In 1924, the Scientific Printing Press in Beirut published a political treatise in a travel journal, dubbed Muluk al-Arab (Arabic for Kings of the Arabs), which Amine Rihani wrote as he traveled throughout the Arabian Peninsula. This publishing...