Caramnob Sagaipov during a training session in the Buddha-Club dojo in Adma (Kesrouan), on July 16. (Credit: Matthieu Karam. Editing Jaimee-Lee Haddad/L'Orient-Le Jour)
The Lebanese judoka will enter the competition on July 31. The 27-year-old, originally from Chechnya, Russia, will participate in his first Olympic Games, as part of the Lebanese delegation.
OLJ / By Lyana ALAMEDDINE, 24 July 2024 13:30
Caramnob Sagaipov during a training session in the Buddha-Club dojo in Adma (Kesrouan), on July 16. (Credit: Matthieu Karam. Editing Jaimee-Lee Haddad/L'Orient-Le Jour)