

First 'terrorists,' now their families, could face deportation in Israel

A new legislation will make it possible to deport parents, siblings, and spouses of any suspected assailant.

First 'terrorists,' now their families, could face deportation in Israel

Israeli soldiers arrest two Palestinian men during a raid in the Nur Shams camp near the city of Tulkarm in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Aug. 28, 2024. (Credit: Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP)

It’s a war that doesn’t take place on the front line, but in the Parliament, it doesn't use weapons, but rather the law. Last Thursday, the Knesset passed a bill by a 61-41 vote, authorizing Israel to expel family members of those it defines as...
It’s a war that doesn’t take place on the front line, but in the Parliament, it doesn't use weapons, but rather the law. Last Thursday, the Knesset passed a bill by a 61-41 vote, authorizing Israel to expel family members of those it defines as...