Picture of dogs. (Credit: BETA via Facebook)
BEIRUT — A 10-year-old child in Baalbeck allegedly burned six puppies alive, said Baalbeck-Hermel Governor Bachir Khodr in a tweet on Monday.
"In spite of the efforts that we are doing for the creation of a shelter for street dogs, and in spite of all the media coverage of the crimes against [dogs], we were shocked today with the news of a child burning six puppies," Khodr said in his tweet.
Only one of the puppies reportedly survived the attack.
"We will file a complaint before the judiciary... We repeat that we are in need of rethinking education and the laws," Khodr added in his tweet.
Khodr also shared a video that depicted the six burning puppies after they were already set on fire with the child standing nearby. The video was filmed by an unknown person.
Khodr said Monday evening that "the child and his father were summoned to the police station by order of the Prosecutor General for Environmental Affairs in the Bekaa, Iyad Berdane," and that authorities were waiting for a representative tasked with investigating minors.
Another man in Baalbeck burned a dog to death earlier this month, sparking backlash and prompting animal rights NGO BETA to ask Khodr to take the necessary measures. The man was later arrested.
"I don’t know why and what is this phenomenon," said activist and BETA member Helena Husseini to L'Orient Today.
Husseini said she spoke to Khodr, who said he would make sure the child is seen by a psychologist.
Following the incident earlier this month, Husseini told L'Orient-Le Jour that "violence against animals has increased over the past three years, since the beginning of the economic crisis in the country."
"The number of abandoned animals is also on the rise, as many people are no longer able to feed and care for them," Husseini added. She said BETA will continue to defend animals, but filed complaints "are slow to succeed in Lebanon."
"In spite of the efforts that we are doing for the creation of a shelter for street dogs, and in spite of all the media coverage of the crimes against [dogs], we were shocked today with the news of a child burning six puppies," Khodr said in his tweet....