

New regional World Bank director appointed for Mashreq region, delegation visits Lebanon

New regional World Bank director appointed for Mashreq region, delegation visits Lebanon

Jean-Christophe Carret, the World Bank's new Mashreq Regional Director. (Credit: World Bank website)

BEIRUT — A World Bank delegation visited Beirut between July 27 and 29 on the occasion of the appointment of Jean-Christophe Carret as the new Mashreq Regional Director (covering Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria), succeeding Saroj Kumar Jha, whose five-year term in the region comes to an end this month, the World Bank said in a statement released Friday.

Here’s what we know:

   • The delegation held several meetings with Lebanese officials, government representatives, and other stakeholders in the country.

   • The discussions covered World Bank-supported programs that are currently under implementation in Lebanon.

   • The meetings also emphasized the Bank’s continued role in providing “strong analytical advice that can inform public debate and policy and investment choices, as Lebanon aims to institute pressing economic reforms,” the statement said.

   • The statement also assured that the delegation highlighted the “critical need for Lebanon to adopt, and swiftly implement, a comprehensive program of macro-economic, financial, and sector reforms that prioritize governance, accountability and inclusiveness.”

   • The World Bank approved a $150 million loan to Lebanon on May 6 to finance wheat imports, which Lebanon’s Parliament voted to approve on Tuesday.

BEIRUT — A World Bank delegation visited Beirut between July 27 and 29 on the occasion of the appointment of Jean-Christophe Carret as the new Mashreq Regional Director (covering Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria), succeeding Saroj Kumar Jha, whose five-year term in the region comes to an end this month, the World Bank said in a statement released Friday. Here’s what we know: ...