

Looking ahead from within Lebanon’s thawra

Myriam El Hajj’s second feature finds optimism in a tale of female activists, culture, and a griping former gunman.

Looking ahead from within Lebanon’s thawra

A still from Myriam El Hajj’s 2024 "Diaries from Lebanon." (Courtesy of Abbout Productions)

There is a moment of cinema magic in Myriam El Hajj’s documentary “Diaries from Lebanon.” During a fixed-camera conversation with one of her characters — a Civil War veteran lamenting how life has treated him — he stops mid-sentence and stares at...
There is a moment of cinema magic in Myriam El Hajj’s documentary “Diaries from Lebanon.” During a fixed-camera conversation with one of her characters — a Civil War veteran lamenting how life has treated him — he stops mid-sentence and stares at...