

The Lifehaus, an eco-friendly home that could transform construction methods in Lebanon

Snowfall in the middle of the desert, sandstorms, extreme heat, prolonged drought, uncontrolled rainfall: severe weather is increasingly affecting the Middle East. As the COP27 climate conference continues in Sharm el-Sheikh, we shed light on climate issues facing the region. This fourth article focuses on Nizar Haddad’s initiative, between roots and mountain peaks.

The Lifehaus, an eco-friendly home that could transform construction methods in Lebanon

Architect Nizar Haddad makes bricks out of clay and straw. (Credit: João Sousa/L'Orient-Le Jour)

In Baskinta, between the mountain peaks and tree roots, is a house — a sort of hobbit den blending into the landscape with exposed stones and a green roof.As he walks between the pavement stones, following Ikki, his Belgian shepherd, Nizar Haddad...
In Baskinta, between the mountain peaks and tree roots, is a house — a sort of hobbit den blending into the landscape with exposed stones and a green roof.As he walks between the pavement stones, following Ikki, his Belgian shepherd, Nizar Haddad...