

Lost at sea? Families in Lebanon await news of missing relatives

More than 80 people remain missing.

Lost at sea? Families in Lebanon await news of missing relatives

Adam Kassem holds up a mobile phone picture of his brother Kassem Kassem, who is amongst the missing. (Credit: L'Orient Today)

MINYEH, Lebanon — Fatima Mohamed counts hundreds of sleepless nights since she last heard the voice of Fouad, her eldest son. On Dec. 12, 2023, a wooden fishing boat carrying 85 people and bound for Cyprus disappeared at sea, hours after departing...
MINYEH, Lebanon — Fatima Mohamed counts hundreds of sleepless nights since she last heard the voice of Fouad, her eldest son. On Dec. 12, 2023, a wooden fishing boat carrying 85 people and bound for Cyprus disappeared at sea, hours after departing...