Caretaker Telecoms Minister Johnny Corm at a press conference on March 29, 2023. (Credit: An-Nahar)
BEIRUT — Caretaker Telecoms Minister Johnny Corm suggested Thursday that the Lebanese Army could "take over" state-run provider Ogero, where workers have been on strike since last week.
In statements to Radio Free Lebanon, Corm said that "after discussing the matter with [caretaker] Prime Minister Najib Mikati in the morning, he asked me to task the army with intervening so that we take over Ogero completely."
An army spokesperson did not immediately respond to L'Orient Today's request for comment.
"I don't accept that anyone takes the citizens hostage; the internet sector is important and vital for life to continue and it should not be stopped," Corm added.
The Ogero employees' syndicate replied by saying that it "welcomes" the proposed move. "All the offices and centers are at the army's disposal," they added in a statement.
The employees also said that they will continue their strike and are "ready for negotiations when things calm down."
Later on Thursday, the caretaker telecoms minister released a statement urging Ogero employees to end their strike.
"Any decision related to employee affairs, whether positive or negative, or in their interest or not, or any financial decision [...], is not within his authority as a minister, but rather these are matters entrusted to the cabinet," said Corm.
He also said he plays a "role as mediator between the union and the officials authorized to make decisions," calling on Lebanon's caretaker cabinet to convene in "an emergency session," to discuss the Ogero strike.
In his Thursday statement, the caretaker telecoms minister did not mention his earlier suggestion that the Lebanese Army could "take over" Ogero.
Ogero workers announced an open-ended strike last Friday to demand better working conditions, following a "warning" strike earlier last week.
Caretaker Telecoms Minister Johnny Corm on Wednesday urged striking employees to suspend the action, which he described as "hasty."
In statements to Radio Free Lebanon, Corm said that "after discussing the matter with [caretaker] Prime Minister Najib Mikati in the morning, he asked me to task the army with intervening so that we take over...