In the few still standing in Khiam, Israeli soldiers vandalized houses leaving menacing graffiti behind. Here, the word "Lebanon" is crossed out and surrounded by the Stars of David. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

In the few still standing in Khiam, Israeli soldiers vandalized houses leaving menacing graffiti behind. Here, the word "Lebanon" is crossed out and surrounded by the Stars of David. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

"The Ghetto is pure" is scrawled on a pillar of the villa, surrounded by Stars of David and menorahs. In the background, another message also scribbled on a different villa reads: "We will be back." (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

"The Ghetto is pure" is scrawled on a pillar of the villa, surrounded by Stars of David and menorahs. In the background, another message also scribbled on a different villa reads: "We will be back." (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

Throughout the house, messages and military instructions are written on the walls. Here, the names of Israeli soldiers and their times of presence are listed. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

Throughout the house, messages and military instructions are written on the walls. Here, the names of Israeli soldiers and their times of presence are listed. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

A printed military document is affixed to the wall alongside more vandalizing graffiti. It seems to outline a surveillance protocol but remains unfilled. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

A printed military document is affixed to the wall alongside more vandalizing graffiti. It seems to outline a surveillance protocol but remains unfilled. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

A zoom-in on what seems like a military document.

A zoom-in on what seems like a military document.

On another wall of the villa, the names of Israeli soldiers and the hours of their presence are listed, along with details of illnesses they may have had, including stomach aches and nausea. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

On another wall of the villa, the names of Israeli soldiers and the hours of their presence are listed, along with details of illnesses they may have had, including stomach aches and nausea. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

This report details the movements of Israeli soldiers, including the opening and closing of an unidentified gate, along with other activities in the region. A message in Arabic is also scribbled "I was here." (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

This report details the movements of Israeli soldiers, including the opening and closing of an unidentified gate, along with other activities in the region. A message in Arabic is also scribbled "I was here." (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

A detailed exercise guide provides instructions for soldiers on staying fit and enduring the cold. It appears to be intended for those stationed at observation posts. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

A detailed exercise guide provides instructions for soldiers on staying fit and enduring the cold. It appears to be intended for those stationed at observation posts. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

And here, a list of Israeli soldiers' first names. (Credit: L'Orient Le-Jour)

And here, a list of Israeli soldiers' first names. (Credit: L'Orient Le-Jour)

"The land of Israel is for the brave" is written on this wall. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

"The land of Israel is for the brave" is written on this wall. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

A lengthy text appears to reflect on an Israeli soldier's actions, with the phrase "Am I the only one addicted to weapons? Your smallness destroys my desire" repeated twice.

A lengthy text appears to reflect on an Israeli soldier's actions, with the phrase "Am I the only one addicted to weapons? Your smallness destroys my desire" repeated twice.

The Israeli soldiers even sprayed graffiti in the toilets: "Do not defecate without a toilet seat or outside of the seat." (Credit: L'Orient Le-Jour)

The Israeli soldiers even sprayed graffiti in the toilets: "Do not defecate without a toilet seat or outside of the seat." (Credit: L'Orient Le-Jour)

The house was left in an unspeakable state, thoroughly vandalized and ravaged by the Israeli soldiers. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

The house was left in an unspeakable state, thoroughly vandalized and ravaged by the Israeli soldiers. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

In another villa in Khiam, Israeli soldiers left numerous vandalizing graffiti before leaving — including this seemingly satirical dark message: "Thank you for the hospitality." Signed: the Israeli army. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Oreint Le-Jour)

In another villa in Khiam, Israeli soldiers left numerous vandalizing graffiti before leaving — including this seemingly satirical dark message: "Thank you for the hospitality." Signed: the Israeli army. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Oreint Le-Jour)

Inside this villa, between two Stars of David, the Israeli army drew a family tree of the Abbas family on the wall, complete with names, photos and educational certificates —details we have opted not to reproduce. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

Inside this villa, between two Stars of David, the Israeli army drew a family tree of the Abbas family on the wall, complete with names, photos and educational certificates —details we have opted not to reproduce. (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

Scrawled on a section of the wall, an ominous threatening message reads: "We will be back." (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)

Scrawled on a section of the wall, an ominous threatening message reads: "We will be back." (Credit: Mohammad Yassin/L'Orient Le-Jour)