

Is Hassan Nasrallah truly in Israel’s crosshairs?

While the temptation for Israelis to target Hezbollah’s Secretary General cannot be dismissed, the reality is far more intricate and challenging.

Is Hassan Nasrallah truly in Israel’s crosshairs?

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, broadcast on screens in May 2022. (Credit: Photo archives/AFP)

“Nasrallah, Israel knows where you are hiding.” This sensational headline was published a week ago by , one of Israel’s leading daily newspapers.In her article, journalist Smadar Perry reported that Mossad can now track Nasrallah “at any time and...
“Nasrallah, Israel knows where you are hiding.” This sensational headline was published a week ago by , one of Israel’s leading daily newspapers.In her article, journalist Smadar Perry reported that Mossad can now track Nasrallah “at any time and...