

Netanyahu more dependent on the far-right than ever with Gantz gone

Moderate politician Benny Grantz left the war cabinet on Sunday evening, raising the prospect of the emergency government’s dissolution.

Netanyahu more dependent on the far-right than ever with Gantz gone

Centrist Benny Gantz delivers a speech to the Israeli media announcing his resignation from the war cabinet, in Ramat Gan, near Tel Aviv, on June 9, 2024. (Credit: Jack Guez/AFP)

After challenging Benjamin Netanyahu on numerous occasions over the past few months, Benny Gantz took action on Sunday evening. The day before, Gantz’s ultimatum to Netanyahu had expired. In mid-May, the former chief of staff and member of the war...
After challenging Benjamin Netanyahu on numerous occasions over the past few months, Benny Gantz took action on Sunday evening. The day before, Gantz’s ultimatum to Netanyahu had expired. In mid-May, the former chief of staff and member of the war...