

‘From the river to the sea:’ A slogan whose vagueness is exploited by pro-Israel camps

This slogan, used to express solidarity with Palestine, has aroused disapproval in Western countries. For the Palestinians, it is a dream and a statement of fact in the face of the settlement enterprise.

‘From the river to the sea:’ A slogan whose vagueness is exploited by pro-Israel camps

Demonstrators march with placards in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza during a rally in Algiers, Oct. 19, 2023. (Credit: AFP)

Much has been written about the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”Since Oct. 7, the carnage that Israel unleashed in the Gaza Strip has given rise to tremendous solidarity with the Palestinian people. In the demonstrations...
Much has been written about the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”Since Oct. 7, the carnage that Israel unleashed in the Gaza Strip has given rise to tremendous solidarity with the Palestinian people. In the demonstrations...