

How migration transformed Lebanon's food scene over the past century: Palestinian Cuisine - Part 2

Over the last century, Lebanon's food scene has been transformed by the arrival of migrant and refugee communities. L'Orient-Le Jour explores how these communities have helped make Beirut one of the most cosmopolitan dining destinations in the Middle East today. Part 2 explores the Palestinian community. 

How migration transformed Lebanon's food scene over the past century: Palestinian Cuisine - Part 2

Founder of Soufra kitchen, Mariam Shaar, standing in the dining room with a Palestinian keffiyeh laid on the table. Burj al Burajneh camp. Beirut, May 13, 2024 (Photo: Olivia Le Poidevin/L'Orient Today)

BURJ AL-BARAJNEH — “I'm so happy to cook my grandmother’s food. To remember Palestine, our country, we must cook,” says Wafa, as she diligently chops a sprig of Parsley at Soufra, a women-run catering organization in Beirut's Burj al Barajneh...
BURJ AL-BARAJNEH — “I'm so happy to cook my grandmother’s food. To remember Palestine, our country, we must cook,” says Wafa, as she diligently chops a sprig of Parsley at Soufra, a women-run catering organization in Beirut's Burj al Barajneh...