Thick black smoke billowing from the Zouk Mosbeh power plant in Kesrouan on Sept. 6, 2022. (Credit: Social networks)
BEIRUT — Head of the Director General of the Public Procurement Authority Jean Ellieh stressed the need to remove "dangerous" chemicals from the Zouk power plant immediately, according to reports published by An-Nahar and Al Markazia newspapers on Friday night and Saturday.
According to Al Markazia, there was an uproar around two years ago over the news that the Zouk power plant contains "hazardous materials that are not properly preserved, consisting of hydrogen tanks, fuel and some expired hazardous materials, amid fears that they could lead to an explosion."
According to the local newspaper, the minister of interior Bassam Mawlawi submitted a detailed warning report at the time to cabinet "demanding immediate action to remove anything that could cause any danger."
In turn, cabinet asked the army to "secure a guard post, inspect the materials in the factory, take the necessary measures to prevent any harm that may result from them and work to move or remove them immediately."
Recently, the general manager of Électricité du Liban (EDL) Kamal al-Hayek told Ellieh that he had received a notice from the Public Prosecution to remove the explosive chemicals from the Zouk plant, according to An-Nahar and Al Markazia.
Ellieh responded and emphasized the need to start withdrawing the chemicals "immediately without waiting for a tender, citing Article 46 [paragraph 2] of the public procurement law."
"These materials are subject to our control in the public procurement process," Ellieh told Al Markazia. "I told [Hayek that these chemicals should be] deported immediately because the situation can't wait and they have to start the process ... We did not only give a green light, but we considered the case a priority."
Asked about the process to remove the chemicals, he said that "any company that can safely remove the material will be asked to remove it for a certain reasonable fee that is close to the approved amounts. The normal procedures will follow and the case will be settled."
Dangerous materials were also discovered in the Tripoli oil installations. The Ministry of Energy and Water launched several unsuccessful tenders to find a company to remove them. The results of the last tender were expected ten days ago. According to a source familiar with the case, four companies applied but the Public Procurement Authority canceled the procedure because of violations.