Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attends a United Nations (UN) Security Council meeting on the Middle East, including the situation in Gaza and Israel on Jan. 23, 2024 in New York City. (Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images North America/Getty via AFP)
Russia's foreign ministry will
summon Israeli ambassador Simona Halperin over "unacceptable
comments" she made in an interview, the TASS news agency cited
the ministry as saying on Monday.
Halperin, according to the ministry, misrepresented Russia's foreign policy stance in the interview with Russia's Kommersant daily, published on Sunday.
The ministry described her comments as "an extremely unsuccessful start" to her diplomatic posting, which began last December.
In the interview, Halperin criticized Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for playing down the importance of the Holocaust and said Russia was being too friendly with Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.
summon Israeli ambassador Simona Halperin over "unacceptable
comments" she made in an interview, the TASS news agency cited
the ministry as saying on Monday.
Halperin, according to the ministry, misrepresented Russia's
foreign policy stance in the interview with Russia's Kommersant
daily, published on Sunday.