

Shots at protesters in Beirut: Blom Bank denies any link between the shooters and its CEO

Shots at protesters in Beirut: Blom Bank denies any link between the shooters and its CEO

Gunshot impacts on a window on the first floor of a building in Beirut. Photo Mohammad Yassine

The management of Blom Bank denied on Thursday to L'Orient-Le Jour that its CEO, Saad Azhari, has bodyguards — whether armed or not. His comment came after reports of live fire against protesters outside his home on Wednesday night, and accusations from protesters that the gunmen were working for the bank's CEO.

The demonstration took place in front of Azhari's home to protest the arrest of two people accused of having participated in the hostage situation on Wednesday at a Blom bank branch in Beirut.  

The management of Blom Bank denied on Thursday to L'Orient-Le Jour that its CEO, Saad Azhari, has bodyguards — whether armed or not. His comment came after reports of live fire against protesters outside his home on Wednesday night, and accusations from protesters that the gunmen were working for the bank's CEO.The demonstration took place in front of Azhari's home to protest the arrest of two...