

Civil Defense battles large fire in Damour plastic collection site

Civil Defense battles large fire in Damour plastic collection site

The Civil Defense extinguishing a fire in Damour, July 1, 2024. (Credit: NNA)

Civil Defense personnel from the Damour center are currently working to extinguish a significant fire at a plastic collection site in southern Beirut, the National News Agency reported.

The blaze, exacerbated by high temperatures, has grown to a substantial size, making the task more challenging.

The team is facing difficulties due to the highly flammable plastic materials, but efforts are ongoing.

A source at the Civil Defense told L'Orient Today that the Lebanese Army has a shooting range training site in the area which caused the fire.

A Lebanese army spokesperson told L'Orient Today they have no information as to why the fire started.

Civil Defense personnel from the Damour center are currently working to extinguish a significant fire at a plastic collection site in southern Beirut, the National News Agency reported.The blaze, exacerbated by high temperatures, has grown to a substantial size, making the task more challenging.The team is facing difficulties due to the highly flammable plastic materials, but efforts are...