The Cedars of the Chouf. (Credit: DR)
To mark National Nature Reserves Day, the Ministry of the Environment is opening access to all legally classified nature reserve sites in Lebanon, free of charge, on Sunday, March 10.
This decision applies in particular to sites that have been duly managed: the Cedars of Chouf, the Cedars of Tannourine (North), Horch Ehden (North), the Bentael Pine Forest (Jbeil), Shnanair (Kesrouan), Sour Beach (South), Yammouneh (Bekaa), and the Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve (between Kesrouan and Jbeil).
On this occasion, Environment Minister Nasser Yassine said in a press release that the celebration of these extraordinary sites would extend throughout the week. He emphasized that this year the Ministry would be paying particular attention to what he called ecological corridors, which have a special function in linking and ensuring continuity between reserves.
This article originally appeared in French in L'Orient-Le Jour.