The Internal Security Forces announced Tuesday that they seized 450,000 Captagon pills hidden in electrical equipment in the southern suburbs of Beirut.
In a press release, the police explained that on Monday, June 19, they raided a hangar in the Cocodi area near Beirut International Airport, after receiving intel about a shipment of drugs to be sent to a Gulf country via the Democratic Republic of Congo.
During the raid on the warehouse, which belongs to an unnamed import-export company, the police found the drugs hidden in three small electric motors.
The investigation is continuing to find the drug traffickers.
For several years now, the Lebanese authorities have been stepping up their efforts to combat drug trafficking from or through Lebanon, a practice regularly singled out by the Arab countries of the Gulf.
Captagon, an amphetamine derived from an old psychotropic drug that is very popular in the Middle East, is regularly seized by security forces.