MOSCOW — Deputy foreign ministers from Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran will meet in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, on June 21, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency said Wednesday.
The four countries have been discussing Syria's future after 12 years of civil war, during which Russia and Iran supported President Bashar al-Assad while NATO member Turkey backed political and armed opposition to him.
Foreign ministers from the four countries met in Moscow on May 10, and Russia said at the time that deputy ministers would be tasked with preparing a roadmap to advance Syria-Turkey ties.
from Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran will meet in the capital of
Kazakhstan, Astana, on June 21, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency
said Wednesday.
The four countries have been discussing Syria's future after
12 years of civil war, during which Russia and Iran supported
President Bashar al-Assad while NATO member Turkey...