

Man arrested after throwing grenades at his partner's family home in South Lebanon

Man arrested after throwing grenades at his partner's family home in South Lebanon

A person handling a grenade. (Credit: NNA)

BEIRUT — The Lebanese Army announced on Sunday that it has arrested a man who allegedly threw three grenades at a house in the village of Ramieh in southern Lebanon on Friday. The incident reportedly followed a family dispute and set fire to two cars parked on the premises.

The army statement said the arrest took place on Saturday in the village of Deir Qanoun al-Nahr in the Sour district. 

According to L'Orient Today's correspondent in the South, the man threw three grenades at the home of his girlfriend's family after her parents rejected his marriage proposal. The heads of the family in the locality reportedly intervened to prevent the conflict from escalating.

Weapons, even heavy ones, circulate among the population in Lebanon, and personal or family disputes sometimes escalate into armed clashes.

Additional reporting by Muntasser Abdallah

BEIRUT — The Lebanese Army announced on Sunday that it has arrested a man who allegedly threw three grenades at a house in the village of Ramieh in southern Lebanon on Friday. The incident reportedly followed a family dispute and set fire to two cars parked on the premises. The army statement said the arrest took place on Saturday in the village of Deir Qanoun al-Nahr in the Sour...